Keith McMurtrie

Keith McMurtrie

Our CEO, Keith started out life as a video game developer, but then decided in the early ‘90s to get a proper "grown-up job" and moved into print MIS development. He joined Tharstern over 30 years ago, taking over as Managing Director in 1995 and leading a management buy-out when the original founder’s family sold the business in 2014. He's very clued up on all things related to computing and technology in the printing industry, especially integrated workflows, automation, and JDF. In fact, Keith is regularly asked to speak on these topics at industry events. So why is he brandishing an authentic Japanese samurai sword in his photo? Well, this sword was given to him by his Grandfather, who had it surrendered to him by a Japanese officer during WWII. He was such an awesome guy, a bit grumpy sometimes, but super intelligent and an amazing role model to Keith. It was his decision to buy a home computer way back in 1981 that introduced him to computing and he's never looked back.

Posts by Keith McMurtrie

When NOT to automate! And why the standardization of software could be bad for printing companies

When NOT to automate! And why the standardization of software could be bad for printing companies

04/02/22 10:10 7 min read
Use the BCG matrix to analyse sectors & products using value-based pricing

Use the BCG matrix to analyse sectors & products using value-based pricing

01/10/21 11:05 3 min read
Now is the time to re-think your pricing strategy

Now is the time to re-think your pricing strategy

01/10/21 11:04 4 min read
Creating a  Shift Left Culture That Will Help You Make Automation Work in Your Print Business
Shift Left culture graph

Creating a  Shift Left Culture That Will Help You Make Automation Work in Your Print Business

01/08/19 12:01 3 min read
Automation WILL create more jobs in the printing industry than it eliminates

Automation WILL create more jobs in the printing industry than it eliminates

18/02/19 13:00 5 min read
Why are so few printers embracing the technology available to them?

Why are so few printers embracing the technology available to them?

23/11/18 14:49 6 min read
 Key Roles Printers Need for Industry 4.0
Team planning repsonsibilities

 Key Roles Printers Need for Industry 4.0

27/03/18 11:56 7 min read
XJDF v JDF – My thoughts after the CIP4 Interop
Girl thinking with illustrations around her

XJDF v JDF – My thoughts after the CIP4 Interop

21/04/17 11:30 3 min read
Why your customers are getting in the way of automation
Red padlock with grey textured background

Why your customers are getting in the way of automation

11/07/16 12:34 2 min read